Comparing 9, the short, and 9, the full-length movie

Short film In the short film of the movie 9 the characters were all confused in the beginning. The plot to me seemed to be about two characters that arrived on a different planet that they have never seen before. They were searching around in area that looked much like a junk yard. There was also not much dialogue in the short film neither were there any humans. In the short there weren't much special effects. One very unique affect that this film did have is that when the robot came out they used some sort of glitch effect to make his laser/ weapon glow. Also when 9 was captured, they might have used a special effect to make the claw look real. The directorial style is very unique to me. Overall, this film doesn't have much to say about the conventions. Full length film In the long film of the movie 9 it was clear that it was going to be more than just two characters in the beginning. A human hand was visible. In this film there was dialogue and I believe the character 9 al...