Genre Research - Horror

 In this blog, I will be outlining the horror genre to further peak my interest in the film genre. 

Within a horror film, ambiance created by editing, sound, light, and costume is everything; these elements are almost what makes the film. Take a film such as "It," specifically the 2017 remake. Throughout the film, there was a sort of "creepy" and horrific ambiance maintained, even in scenes where Pennywise wasn't present. 

In a scene such as the one pictured, although pennywise isn't present yet, there still remains the feeling of horror into the viewers. The lighting first is an instant play into horror ambiance, it's a blueish tone with a hint of green, colors that incite a a feeling of coldness along with the green inciting feelings of discomfort and decay, almost disgust even. First analyzing the camera angle, the low angle give viewers full access to analyze the facial expression and the mood of curiosity into the sewer more. 

In this scene, as Richie is confronting Pennywise, the mis en scene is everything here further contributing to the horror ambiance. The lighting, the actor's face expression showing the enticing horror of Richie is present here.

Within a horror movie, sound is very important as it further conveys feelings of being scared to viewers. Directors typically favor very creepy or eery movie, very rarely is film score upbeat or joyful. Some director's may take the route of using merry go round music music, or music from a jack in the box or a doll which are usual "creepy" tropes in horror movies. 

In this clip from the conjuring, the music from a music box is used to introduce the entity the movie is centered around.

In a film such as "A Quiet Place" relies on a mechanism of creating film sound called foley sound. Foley sound refers to sound made in studios by foley artists typically used to enhance natural sound. Foley sound may include leaves rustling, a jacket zipping, or running feet. Having these sounds redone post production enhances them further contributing to the suspense. Sine "A Quiet Place" is a film where sound via dialogue cannot be used, foley sound is perfect to continue the movie's scary suspense. 

Another common aspect within horror films is the typical small town setting. This setting typically fits the narrative of horror films as small towns are typically secluded and can be reigned by horror entities as these towns are small and connected so the entity will go on to present a terror to the entire town. 


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