Pre - production, genre research!

 Hi everyone! Welcome to my second pre production AICE media studies A Level blog regarding genre research.

Considering that the task assigned, the three genres I felt were best fitting for a 5 minute short film are horror, drama, or a thriller. In order to create a short film with a complete plot while still maintaining substance, genres that don't require extensive amounts of time to develop should be looked at. For example, in a romance, there are very few ways to be able to develop a romance plot in just five minutes. Viewers want to see a romance blossom from a small interaction to a mutual "crush" then developing to full relationship between the two characters blossoming a story. By attempting to recreate this in a five minute period, the storyline may become rushed or choppy. With a genre such as horror, it is very easy to curate a story line. Begin with your protagonist, begin slowly incorporating the "monster" or "entity" in the beginning, then in the middle introduce the entity very overtly and then pan into the end. As with this example of why horror is a perfect short film drama, the same can be applied to drama and thriller; these genres can thrive and continue to have a full storyline solely because they can survive from one central conflict throughout the film. These genres don't revolve around one central conflict and can be done in a timely manner. The key objective of this short film is develop a complex storyline, yet one that can be done in the 5 minute marking period, the second main objective is to have a completed storyline, one that can survive without a need for a sequel to further finish the plot.


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