Genre Decision Blog - Drama (Coming of Age Film)
Hello everyone! Welcome to my Genre Decision Blog!
After conducting research on various genres, I have decided I would like to choose drama, specifically a coming of age film. The main premise of a coming of age film is to follow an adolescent or young adult through their trials and tribulations of maturing through conflict. My film follows a teenage girl who begins to feel subconscious about herself, so she begins a diet to fix these insecurities. However this diet begins to spiral out of control and becomes a full on eating disorder, specifically Anorexia. By the end of this short film, the girl begins to see things for what they really are and come to the consensus that starvation and an eating disorder is not the answer, learning to love herself through her insecurities is the correct path to take. Initially I wanted to take the route of producing a romance film where the girl meets a love interest and the new found love encourages her and heals her from her eating disorder. I opted away from this narrative due to the fact I didn’t want to portray a cliche that a girl needs a man to heal, I wanted her to be able to overcome this obstacle herself. Using romance for my main character to succeed is too much a codependent trope I wanted to avoid. I also was driven to choose the drama genre because my film showcases various emotions to convey a message and these emotions range from sad to optimistic and those in between as the character grows up. Anorexia is a serious extent but general body issues and insecurities are something many young teenage girls can relate to including myself. To go from the mindset of hating every “flaw”’on your body to learning to live yourself unconditionally despite what your body looks like takes a lot of courage. Society especially with the influx of social media and how much it controls our lives and perception truly does have a strong grip on adolescents, in this instance teenage girls. We all want to appeal to society and be accepted and validated by society, especially for young women our looks are like a gateway to how society perceives and treats us. Showing a young girl being consumed by these ideals that she risks her life by developing an eating disorder, to her overcoming it is the perfect sequence in a coming of age film.
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