Script Blog!

 Hello everyone! Welcome to my script blog! This script does feature dialogue however dialogue is moderate in quantity as a portion of the script is done with captions!

Scene 1: *Title screen fades out and wide shot zooming in on main character AJ sitting on couch*

Narrated voice over: "It's a natural part of life to want to feel pretty. Pretty is in and truthfully it always has been. Honestly in girl world, pretty is everything. When you are pretty you get the guy, the followers, the random compliments while walking down the street. You even get to bask in the occasional jealousy you face because you're so pretty, so why wouldn't anyone want to be that?"

Scene 2 Narrated: This is AJ well me, I never thought I was ugly but I never really thought I was pretty. I never really thought I was thin either, but I knew I was "thin enough." My body never dawned on me until this day when I just had to be on my stupid phone on stupid TikTok and see this. 

*This is the scene where the camera pans over the shoulder to AJ's phone on Tiktoks*

Scene 3 Narrated: This is where it all goes downhill. Immediately my mind floods and I pretty much get lost in the thoughts, will I ever be good enough... My waist isn't that small and i'm surely not that skinny. 

Scene 4 *AJ in the mirror looking at her body*

AJ get a grip, you need to slim down. 

*Scene 4 AJ sitting on bed researching diets*

*Scene 5 AJ getting ready for gym and weighing herself*

"117 I need to hit 113 by Friday no more eating"

*Scene 6 AJ at the gym running on the treadmill captions at her head reading* 

"keep running until you cant anymore"

"you'll never be an it girl if you quit" 

"you need to be thin enough"

*Scene 7 AJ at home at the dinner able eating and scrolling on social media*

"look at these girls, literally how is this possible" 

*AJ then throws the plate of food away from her*

*after AJ pushes food away from her she puts her head down with captions reading, "I'm so hungry in blue" then the caption "you need to be skinny to be pretty in red"

*Scene 8 of AJ in her room on FaceTime with her friend Samantha*

AJ: hey sam

Samantha: hey AJ you look kind of off what's up?

AJ: honestly I trust you with my life so i'll tell you but Sam I think I have an eating disorder. I haven't been eating and I'm tired and so freaking hungry but I need to be pretty Sam.

Sam: AJ you're not trying to be pretty, you're trying to be thin and they're not the same thing.

AJ: Sam you don't get it. You're literally perfect and skinny, when I go on instagram and TikTok it's always these pretty skinny girls getting thousands of likes and I'm sorry but I want that. 

Sam: AJ we need to teach you self love, yes i'm skinny but that's not me nor is what makes me or you pretty self love and confidence is. When was the last time you truly ate?

AJ: honestly I don't remember, I've lost like 8 pounds this week

Sam: AJ, go eat right now come on, on the FaceTime go eat, I promise you a slice of pizza that you love won't make you morbidly obese

*Scene 9 of AJ in the kitchen still on FaceTime with Samantha*

Sam: come on AJ eat and feel good about it

*AJ takes a bite of pizza*

"Jesus this feels so good" 

*Scene 10 screen fades to black with credits*


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