Title Design Planning Blog

 Hello Everyone! Welcome to my title design planning blog! This blog will follow the planning behind my titles 

- Name of the Studio PRESENTS (who owns the rights) : Aljeanae Pierre

- Name of Production Company (which company made the movie): Perfectly Pierre Productions

- Actor(s) names (who is in the movie):  Aljeanae Pierre as AJ (MAIN CHARACTER), Samantha Fernandez as friend

- Film Title (what is the movie called): Typically Thin

- Music By (who is the music you are using from): Breathe Me - Sia, C U Girl Instrumental - Steve Lacy

- Edited By (who edited the movie): Aljeanae Pierre

- Producer or Produced By (who put up the money for the movie): Aljeanae Pierre

- Story By (who came up with the idea for the movie): Aljeanae Pierre

- Written By (who wrote the script for the movie): Aljeanae Pierre

- Directed By (who directed the movie): Aljeanae Pierre


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