Title Design Research Blog - Lady Bird
Hello everyone! Welcome to my second of four title design research blogs!
This blog will follow the coming of age drama film, Lady Bird. Lady Bird is a Netflix original film following our main female protagonist, Christine "Lady Bird McPherson." Christine is an independent, strong willed teenager who has always felt an inner resentment towards her life and familial situation. Christine has lived a life always feeling trapped in her small California town belonging to a lower middle class family, dreaming of a bigger and freer life away on the east coast. Lady Bird also must navigate through having a rocky relationship with her too independent and strong willed mother who has a rather critique based relationship with Lady Bird/Christine.
1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones?
- 5 titles are displayed during the opening sequence of the film. First is the first/main production company's title, "A24." The second title used is other two production companies, "IAC and Scott Rudin Productions." The third title is the actual film title, "Lady Bird." The fourth title is the casting credits listing the actors, and the fifth set of title is the production credits.
2. What connotations do the images carry? How do they make you feel?
- The images used highlight the small town and compact feeling that Lady Bird experiences. The emphasis on their small house or the opening scene imagery of Lady Bird in a compact car ride with her mom and she feels so trapped she jumps from a moving car. Furthermore, the title imagery itself is the words "Lady Bird" in bold red letter in the bold Amador font. This helps to show that Lady bird is a bold free spirit with the title serving as the imagery of herself.
3. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
Genre is reinforced through the relationship between Lady Bird and her mother. Coming of age films surround a typically teenage protagonist who must go through external or interpersonal trials and tribulations to grow morally. The protagonist, Lady Bird is facing her trials and tribulations in the manifestation of her mother. Lady Bird's mother thinks she's a degenerate and will never make it far in life. She consistently nitpicks at Lady Bird making her feel as though everything she does is wrong and constantly reminds Lady Bird that she will never reach her dreams of getting into college on the east coast where she will finally feel free. Lady Bird must stay true to herself to fully navigate away from this rocky relationship with her mother to achieve her dreams despite being doubted which is a true link to the coming of age genre.
4. What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its' target audience?
- The conventions of character and setting help to appeal to the target audience. The target demographic of the film Lady Bird consist of teenagers who understand the dynamic of a parent and child who clash consistently and are more alike than they realize contributing to their clashing. In this instance a rather toxic mother and Lady Bird can make the teens going through this rough relationship can feel seen and recognized and understand how to rise above the criticism.
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