Title Design Research Blog - Perks of Being a Wallflower

 Hello everyone! Welcome to my fourth of four title design research blogs! This blog will be following the film Perks of Being a Wallflower

Perks of being a Wallflower is a coming of age film following our main protagonist Charlie. From an outside perspective, Charlie is viewed as socially awkward and introverted but has struggled with clinical depression after coping with his best friend’s suicide and new found love. In this film Charlie must navigate through his struggles and find a group as well as hisself where he belongs.

1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequence? Which ones are they? 

-  Four titles are displayed during opening sequence. The first title is the production company’s, Summit Entertainment. The second is another production company title ready, “A Mr. Mudd Production.” The third title is cast credits, and the fourth title is the actual film title, Perks of Being a Wallflower.

2. What connotations do the images carry? How do they make you feel?

- The images give the connotation of feeling small. As the camera images pan through the town  and the school Charlie attends you see the contrast and feel pretty small which is the exact way Charlie feels about himself compared to his surroundings it almost incites an inner feeling of insecurity.

3. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes? Can you tell what genre the film is?

- Genre is reinforced through Charlie’s environment, and the “conflict” he must overcome to grow. Charlie’s environment revolves around high school. High school is a common environmental theme in coming of age films and Charlie is entering his first experience with this environment in the film as he learns to fit in and find a group who sees him for him for once. With his internal battle of mental health, Charlie’s mental health plays the biggest role in his life and why he is the way he his. His depression has caused his need so be a social outcast and keep to himself as his mods keeps him in his head a lot, he must overcome this to flourish and finally feel a sense of happiness he feels he’s never had. 

4. What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its’ target audience? 

- The characters help to appeal to target audience. The target audience of the film is social outcast young adults who may struggle with mental illness such as Charlie. These feelings experienced by teenagers are important so seeing Charlie navigate through the very real teenage events of depression and high school help to appeal to the target audience as his struggles may resonate for others. 


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