Title Design Research - Sixteen Candles

 Hello Everyone! Welcome to my first of four Title Design Research Blogs! This blog will be following the title designs research of the coming of age drama film, Sixteen Candles

1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences of the film? Which ones?

- There are a total of six titles displayed during the film's opening sequence. The first and second titles belong to the production companies, Universal Pictures and Channel Productions. The third is the Director's title reading, "A John Hughes Film." The fourth title showcased is the actual movie titles, "Sixteen Candles." The fifth title is the actors list. And the sixth title was the producer's credits for production members in charge of casting, music, music supervision, etc. 

2. What connotations do the images carry? (how do they make you feel)

- The film is centered around adolescence and the marking age of 16. The opening sequence is movie title "Sixteen Candles" is cleverly displayed during the imagery of the establishing shot of the high school our main character, Samantha, attends. This makes the viewer feel a sense of "teen spirit." It highlights the significance of the juvenile high school experience which is crucial to this film.

3. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? (can you tell what genre the film is) 

-  Genre is reinforced through the establishment of our main character's adolescence. The opening outset begins with exploring how Samantha is turning 16 and her family forgets her birthday, then the sequence moves on to the high school setting. This is very cliche to the coming of age genre as the genre focuses on the downfalls of a teenager before they rise above to moral maturity. The title itself can also reinforce genre since the film is called "Sixteen Candles," this lets the viewer know that the film will be centered around a sixteenth birthday. 

4. What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its' target audience? 

- The main convention used to ensure appeal to target audience is definitely through characters. The target audience of the film is young adolescents, particularly teenage girls like the teen-aged girl protagonist, Samantha. Her storyline of being a growing teenager who feels misunderstood and underestimated by her family and is actively seeking out her love interest is a story line that many young teenage girls can relate to. Going deeper into Samantha's character, her clothing and makeup help to appeal to the target audience. Samatha is a "girly girl" she indulges in fashion, makeup, self care making her appealing. The surrounding characters of her rambunctious and overbearing family help to reach the target audience. Samantha's family is lovable, but they seem to forget about Samantha with the main premise being the forgetting her birthday. This may not be a common scenario with teenage girl but the overall theme of feeling forgotten and misunderstood by family can be a relatable appeal to the target audience. Lastly, the usage of the character/love interest Jake Ryan helps to appeal to the target audience of teenage girls. Jake Ryan is an easy on the eyes, charismatic high school boy! Of course his visual and romantic appeal draws in the target audience. 


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