Third Production Blog - Film, Film, Film!

 Hello everyone! Welcome to my third production blog! This blog outlines my second filming blog.

So in the previous blog, I did film, however I primarily focused on music. Today was used as a continuation of last week's filming. Today I was able to continue filming the filming, or re filming per-say of scene one. I also took today's time to start and complete the filming of the gym scene. This scene was actually so enjoyable to film! I filmed during my regular workout and it was so peaceful. I love working out while it's raining outside and today it rained! It was so peaceful and serene and helped contribute to the smoothness of filming. Once again I want to preface as my film is about eating disorders, NO EXTENSIVE OR DISORDERED EXERCISE TOOK PLACE! My workouts are solely for the purpose of maintaining my health. But I was able to film all the angles and shots of the scene as I needed to. 

Something that I have noticed since I am filming and producing the film by myself is that it gets difficult! When you film you want precision and good videography for a professional-esque film. Today was so hard but still fun! Despite having tripods and stable platforms to film on, it was still a hassle at times meeting the shots how I wanted as well as meeting a professional standard. I do wish that I had someone with me to film and makeup for these setbacks, but I am still confident in my individual project! I do intend to call my co star, Samantha Fernandez to help along the journey for the supporting parts such as filming adequate angles.


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