Production Blog 9 - SAT Troubles

Hi everyone! Welcome to my ninth production blog. Luckily I was able to get started on filming which was my main priority. I’m a little behind schedule and that really threw me off. While I did have a handle on everything by beginning filming, I got a little thrown off again. I’m a junior in high school and although standardized tests are what I’m used to right now, it’s time for the dreaded SAT. Once again, another road block from completing my film. As much as I would love to continue filming, under these circumstances I can’t. The SAT isn’t just any test. This is the test that helps me get into college and possible determine a large portion of my life. As I have been doing for a week now, the SAT is in 4 days so i pretty much have to take a small hiatus from filming and study. I have just realized still have about a month until my package has to be turned in which is okay. I trust that once SAT season is over, I will get right back on track.